Thursday, February 22, 2007

Start this over?

I learned so much in the past couple months. Tom, Lady Julia, and Suzy have delved into subjects that zing through me like lightning bolts... I'm thinking of starting this blog from stratch (like I've learned from Suzy ) and send the link to my Lady J.

Now... just to find the time to do this properly. Thanks everyone for the comments and thoughts; please feel free to add a few more as I aim to venture beyond vanilla.

Interesting sidenote; while on my week long business trip to the northeast last week, her comment as I was leaving was this unexpected tidbit: "I want you to do something for me while you are away... daily, bring yourself to the very edge, but don't cum. See you next Friday..."


Lady Julia said...

That was a nice bit of teasing :)

If you start over, you could really start over with a new blog and keep this one in case you ever wish you could go back and read what you wrote. You can save the entries as drafts and they're not visible but they're not gone either.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a little strange to have posts on your blog and then all of a sudden they just disappear :) But what do I know. Tom is smarter that 84 percent of the people in the world which by the way Tom, placed you last on my blog:)

Good luck on your new blog!

Anonymous said...

Tom is smarter that 84 percent of the people in the world which by the way Tom, placed you last on my blog:)

Wow, talk about having a very exclusive readership.