Sunday, March 11, 2007

What is it that I Want?

Lady J, you have asked on a few occasions what I want, and that question seems to invade my dreams late in the night. On a weekly basis.

So this post may change over the coming weeks as I add and modify my list. Let me preface this with this post is devoted more to my personal side, as my entire 'want' list starts with items such as:
  • I want great health, wealth, and happiness for all my family, friends and acquaintances.
On my more personal side... (not in any special order yet):
  • I want love, happiness, and more intimacy than I've ever experienced in my years. I recognize that I'll not achieve that without being more open than I've been. I know it will take a great deal of courage, expression, and being much more articulate than you know me to be. I want you to know me as you've never known anyone...
  • I want laughter
  • I want peacefulness
  • I want social interaction (occasional party time)
  • I want bits of solitutde
  • I want ... more time!

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