Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Do you see a theme here?

I do collect images... randomly, whenever something strikes me, and too often without credit to the artist. For that, my deepest apologies, I should at least offer that.

As I wandered through my collection, I realized several themes catch my eye... smiles are big on my list, as are... of course, passion, especially from the ladies. I of course do like to play, do like my own release, but most of all... from all my younger years... love to please my partner. When she is pleased... I think it means more than my own. More on this later...


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Another Spring Snow Storm...

Another spring storm is blowing in... perfect time to light a fire, uncork a nice wine, and pamper someone you love...

Have a nice Thursday to all you playful people in web land...