Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Interest in Male Chastity, Hotwives, or Both..?

I often just write when something strikes me, and more often than not, nearly use these pages as more of just a journal, or comment of findings from another blog, or realizing something about myself that I didn't know.

Checking His Cage First

So when I decided to look at my blog stats, I was quite surprised to see that 4000 people had viewed my blog last month.  4000 hits is peanuts to some of the blogs I read, but still... yikes.

This goes to show that even with my random posts, that there really is a significant interest in vanilla male chastity play, and I suspect the rather vanilla hotwife fantasies that often come with it, and perhaps my real world experiences into that world.

Well... I don't have time to collect stats of degrees of vanilla, but I would love to know where they are as we educate ourselves on these topics.  I did stumble on a post by a husband & wife that I'll bet would match many that read here.  At least it does for me...

Oh look... It is almost June; time for a new magazine issue to pick up at the news stand.  Have fun out there, and don't stop talking to your partner!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


My last post was, as someone pointed out, not really me and not anywhere close to my personal take on how a partnership works.  My preference is surrender of the chastity key versus a submissive role.
So, in retrospect, my last post is gone...
Hope everyone had a great weekend!